Beyond doubts, there are a lot of SEO tactics deployed by various internet marketers. But it is important that you are able to know what exactly works and what not and we did discuss that in this post.

Business is all about visibility, you have to be seen if you want to make money off business. Traffic is how visibility comes. The more people can see your business, the better the revenue you are likely to get off the business. Organic traffic is good, really good. However, the strength of traffic relies on how much you can be seen. Here comes Search Engine Optimization.

Important warning! You should never play with Search Engine Optimization.

Every day, businesses are always on the lookout for new ways to maximize use of Search Engine Optimization. While the search engine cannot be fooled, there are underrated SEO tactics that you deploy to improve your business visibility.

The good thing is a lot of people do not know about these SEO tactics. They are highly underrated and not been used by a lot of people. In this article, we will look at a few of these tactics on how you can bring your organic traffic to a new height. Here we go:

#1- Work on your content

Take a close look at your content and check out the content that performs the most. Once you see the contents that do well the most, check out the keywords that accompanied the content. You can use tools like Uber Suggest to check out the keywords that were a part of the content. Once you get the keywords, you can work on those kinds of content. This will aid your organic traffic.

Another way to work on your content is by making a whole lot of content into a kind of super page. If you have ever checked a website that has very little content but a lot of traffic, this is most likely the tactic that is being used. By combining a lot of smaller articles and making it into a long article, you will have more internal links (More on that later) and more information in the same space.

#2- Take internal linking serious

Internal links will help your readers as much as it will help you. The more internal links, the more the page will be ranked by search engines, and the more information your audience can get from it. By the time you add a lot more informative backlinks to your content, you will see that your search engine ranking will increase drastically.  Backlinking will make your content more informative, it will give more value to your readers and your search engine ranking will get a lift for it.

#3- Get dates out of your URL

The moment you have a specific date or range of date to your URL, the metadata will be crawled by google bots and it will be classified as such. Search engine robots will see the dates as defining and after a period, your content will not be ranked as important anymore. You do not want this to happen to you. What you should do is to edit your URL and take the dates out of it.

#4- Turn your content into videos

Videos are the new cool! Videos contribute to over 50% of internet traffic. Does that ring any bell? That implies that if you neglect videos, you have already neglected half of your traffic channel. This is why you should convert your content into videos. In the back-end section, YouTube SEO is usually much better than traditional SEO. It usually does much better as it is not as competitive as traditional SEO. When your contents are made into videos, it might take a little bit from you, in terms of equipment and technicalities. However, in the long run, it is an effective search engine optimization strategy.


In the end, your organic search engine optimization strategy game will take a leap if you look at these underrated SEO tactics.

Take a content audit – check your content, look it over, and make it even better. Add backlinks, turn it into videos and get a whole ton of traffic out of it.

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